How to Make a Gem Essence
The natural qualities of plants and rocks are unknown to many in modern society, but holistic healing techniques recognize the helpful items nature provides us. The following explains the process of making a gem essence, which can then be used to aid in various physical, mental, or emotional situations, depending on the gem or mineral used in the essence.
Things You'll Need:
Gem or stone--a piece the size of a quarter is fine
Sea salt
Spring water
Clear glass bowl
Small amber bottle(s)
Clear alcohol (such as vodka) or cider vinegar
Determine your purpose and select the appropriate gem or stone for the essence. The links listed in the Resources section below offer various crystals and their corresponding qualities.
Cleanse the gem energetically by covering it with sea salt in the glass bowl. It helps to hold your hands over the bowl and visualize the salt pulling energetic clutter from the crystal. Throw away the salt after use.
Rinse the gem and bowl under running water to remove salt residue.
Place the gem in a bowl of spring water and set it in the sun for two hours. This allows the healing qualities of the stone to be absorbed by the water.
Pour the water into your amber bottle(s), filling the bottle 3/4 full.
Fill the bottle with clear alcohol or cider vinegar which acts as a preservative and allows your gem essence to stay useful for a month or so.
Tips & Warnings
Check the density of the crystal before submerging it in water. Soft or water-soluble minerals do not work well in essences.
Amber or brown bottles with dropper caps can be found at many health food stores or new age stores.
High-quality alcohol gives better results than the cheap stuff. You aren't using much, so splurge on the $10 vodka instead of the $2 kind.
Do not use potentially toxic minerals such as those listed in the Moon Cave caution list in the resources section.
The natural qualities of plants and rocks are unknown to many in modern society, but holistic healing techniques recognize the helpful items nature provides us. The following explains the process of making a gem essence, which can then be used to aid in various physical, mental, or emotional situations, depending on the gem or mineral used in the essence.
Things You'll Need:
Gem or stone--a piece the size of a quarter is fine
Sea salt
Spring water
Clear glass bowl
Small amber bottle(s)
Clear alcohol (such as vodka) or cider vinegar
Determine your purpose and select the appropriate gem or stone for the essence. The links listed in the Resources section below offer various crystals and their corresponding qualities.
Cleanse the gem energetically by covering it with sea salt in the glass bowl. It helps to hold your hands over the bowl and visualize the salt pulling energetic clutter from the crystal. Throw away the salt after use.
Rinse the gem and bowl under running water to remove salt residue.
Place the gem in a bowl of spring water and set it in the sun for two hours. This allows the healing qualities of the stone to be absorbed by the water.
Pour the water into your amber bottle(s), filling the bottle 3/4 full.
Fill the bottle with clear alcohol or cider vinegar which acts as a preservative and allows your gem essence to stay useful for a month or so.
Tips & Warnings
Check the density of the crystal before submerging it in water. Soft or water-soluble minerals do not work well in essences.
Amber or brown bottles with dropper caps can be found at many health food stores or new age stores.
High-quality alcohol gives better results than the cheap stuff. You aren't using much, so splurge on the $10 vodka instead of the $2 kind.
Do not use potentially toxic minerals such as those listed in the Moon Cave caution list in the resources section.