How to Make a Garlic Foot Bath

How to Make a Garlic Foot Bath

Pull toxins out of the lungs with a garlic foot bath. Garlic is one of the most beneficial plants around with many uses from curing ear infections to eliminating water retention in your body. The trick is knowing how to prepare and apply it for each application properly. When mucous is in the lungs and you can hear the cough heading toward the bronchitis barking cough, prepare a garlic foot bath.


Slice open a garlic bulb. Take six of the cloves off the bulb and cut them first, then crush them beneath the knife onto a wooden board.


Let the crushed
sit for fifteen minutes to let loose the garlic's natural enzymes. This is an important step to release the garlic's curative abilities.


Bring a quart of water to boil. Dump in all of the crushed garlic bulbs and boil for approximately three minutes.


Turn off the heat and let the garlic water cool until it is comfortable enough to put your feet in without burning. Keep it as warm as you can stand it.


Put it in a plastic or glass container large enough for your feet and place it on the floor. Place a towel beneath it to catch any spills.


Wear a towel on your head to keep the warmth from going out through your head.


Soak your feet for 30 minutes or until the water has cooled down.